Medical advances to have a dazzle smile

When the teeth are stained, malformed, and misaligned or absent the patient usually strives consciously not to smile or uses other mechanisms to disguise his teeth when he smiles.

The correction of this type of problem usually causes changes in people, in fact the positive psychological effects of the restoration of the smile usually contribute to improving one’s image and self-esteem.

The process

An impression of the teeth is taken and this is scanned, there is obtained a mold in third dimension and with the help of software the shape and size of the teeth to which the veneers are made is made. When the smile is designed on the computer, the assistant robot is made, which, starting with a block of porcelain (16 x 14 mm), turns it into a tooth. At this moment, each of the veneers is characterized and polished. Obtained to be taken to its position in the mouth.

How long are the veneers? Do they break or fall? In general, they do not fracture or detach themselves, but an accident like fracture can occur, in this case it is necessary to go immediately to the dentist to make a new one.

After having the veneers the adaptation is immediate, they are highly aesthetic, you can talk and eat even an apple, and once put in the mouth it has a durability up to 15 years.

For the maintenance of porcelain veneers you have to follow some basic advice. The most important one is to maintain a good oral hygiene that includes brushing and flossing 3 times a day, just like natural teeth. you should avoid biting nails, wires, cutting threads, breaking shells and all this complemented by visiting the dentist at least 3 times a year for control and maintenance.

Learn about teeth whitening


The procedure takes about an hour, however, you should keep in mind that between the procedure and the exam, the appointment can last approximately 90 minutes, there is no way to make it shorter. Before the procedure, you will need to fill out some forms of paperwork about it. If you have gone to your dentist’s medical office, you will also have to fill out other papers, which may take a little more time. Next, you will have a quick examination so that your dentist can make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy enough for whitening, and to check if you have any type of dental restoration, such as bridges or crowns. Also, if you have not participated in a dental cleaning process recently, you may need one, even if it has been some time since your last professional dental cleaning, we suggest a complete dental cleaning BEFORE investing in a whitening, For a complete removal, to make sure to eliminate any superficial stain or calculus can make a major difference. Once everything is in order, your dentist will be more than ready to start your whitening sessions.

Start the process

The actual whitening procedure begins with the protection of your gums and soft tissues. This means that we must put retractors on your cheeks and enough rolls of cotton to keep your upper and lower teeth without touching each other. It is a necessary evil, but do not worry, it will end soon and the results will have been worth it. Next, your dentist will place a protective layer on your gums. The bleaching agent used in this process is powerful, so it is important to be careful in this step.

Banking the teeth

Once this is done, a layer of the whitening agent is placed on the teeth (only the front surfaces) and we place the light in front of the teeth. You will have orange safety glasses for this part of the program. Once the whitening begins, your dentist will look at the clock for 15 minutes and maybe give you a remote control so you can enjoy your favorite programming.

A complete whitening procedure consists of 4 sessions of 15 minutes. Do not worry, he or she will be nearby to check you regularly, in case you need something.

After each session, you will be adding more bleaching agent (it may be necessary to adjust the light at some point). The dentist will check your progress to see how your teeth are. Note that some sessions go so well that there are people who choose to finish earlier so that their teeth do not reach a target too intense. Others, however, will be decided by the full hour. When the time is up, your dentist will do a mouthwash to remove any residue that may remain, and it will also give your lips a bit of transition time to their normal state, while perhaps giving you a mirror to admire the results. Although it is not possible to guarantee a particular white tone (since there are many variables depending on the patient), many see a change of 2 to 3 tones and notice a big difference.

On the way to the door with your magnificent smile, your dentist will finally give you an extensive list based on the food, drink and vices that you should avoid during the next 48 hours. Since you do not want to get depressed, I may not tell you everything that is on the list, but keep in mind that if it’s red, dark, spicy or salty, you probably cannot eat it or drink it; Smoking is strictly prohibited, really. That film we mentioned earlier also protects the teeth from re-staining on the surface, and it takes approximately 48 hours to regrow. Reason why we suggest that you whiten your teeth at the beginning of the week, so you do not feel tempted on a Friday or Saturday night.

Modern and white teeth

The need to have oral health without problems is gaining strength in our society, in which the oral aesthetic also counts.

Dentistry is one of the fields of medicine where science has taken important steps in many ways, but people are not always aware of their possibilities in the dental practice.

Explain that there have been advances; In dentistry, we can observe and witness how they have covered very important areas: aesthetic dentistry, implantology, restorations made with CAD-CAM technology, blocking techniques and more precise anesthesia, use of computer-based radiographs.

A visit to the dentist                       

Things are not the same as before and going to the dentist is something different: In short, a wide range of advances allows us to have a cutting-edge practice.

Very contrary to this concept of restorative technology, I would consider it right to put ourselves in an accent of preventive technology, in which patients, dentists and companies related to dentistry must develop a different formula where the main objective is to promote preventive dentistry and not restorative dentistry.

In 21st century patients must have a concept developed in the awareness of taking care of factors such as dental culture, which translates into visiting the dentist at least twice a year, culture of prevention, aesthetic culture, eating habits and Well-established oral hygiene protocols.

A bright spot

And since the aesthetic has a special value, there is a growing trend: the creation of cosmetic products to improve the appearance, color and health of the teeth, such as the Crest 3D White whitening regime, which consists of paste, brush, rinse mouth and the new White strips.

This plan is easy to obtain and apply in patients, but, says the expert, will work better and with optimal results in those patients who have a stable and healthy oral health status. In addition, with White strips, people can see results in just three days and without risking the enamel of their teeth, since it has the same ingredients that dentists use?

Mouth cancer, prevent is to heal

Cancer is a disease that does not know of previous care, age or social circumstance, although some behaviors may favor its appearance this is not always the case, and even developing all the relevant care cancer is present.

Mouth cancer is a general term in medicine for any malignant growth located in the mouth. It can appear as a primary lesion of the same tissue of the oral cavity, or by metastasis from a site of distant origin, or by extension of neighboring anatomical structures, such as the nasal cavity or the maxillary sinus.

The cancer that appears in the oral cavity can have several histological varieties: tatami, adenocarcinoma derived from one of the salivary glands, lymphoma of the tonsils or some other lymphatic tissue or melanoma of pigmented cells of the oral mucosa. The most common form of cancer in the mouth is squamous cell carcinoma, originating in the tissues that delimit the mouth and lips.

Mouth cancer is usually located in the tissue of the lips or tongue, although it may appear on the floor of the mouth, the lining of the cheeks, gums, or roof of the mouth. Under a microscope, most cancers that develop in the mouth have similar characteristics and are collectively called squamous cell carcinoma. They are malignant in nature and tend to spread very quickly.

The mouth is an area very exposed to the development of this disease, mainly because risk factors such as smoking, drugs and alcoholism enter this way.

The detection of oral cancer is the only tool we will have to prevent major ills, it is for them that we will define some characteristics of care for which we must ensure to eradicate a large number of injuries of a merely occasional nature or generated by this problem.

This disease can develop under any condition since this is the bad formation of a cell sector that prevents the cell from fulfilling its life cycle and instead of phagocytosis reproduces itself generating another anomalous cell organism and so on expanding the problem what technically it is known as metastasis.

The most common cancer in HIV and drug users is the lip, which is characterized by two very clear forms, one of which is ulceration, a wound that does not heal in normal periods and whose appearance is variable, or spots also known as moles or melanoma, something common in epithelial cells, we speak of moles that change their size, without defined edges and that may or may not generate pain.

Regarding the tongue is more common in people with high tobacco consumption, in this case it appears as a visible and ulcerated lesion, painful and that is not scarred or responds to another characteristic or factor that generates it.

With regard to the cheeks and palate, drugs such as cocaine and crystal or methamphetamine is one of its main generators, they are represented as small relief anomalies that later expand their size or perforate the palate and tissue directly.

It is therefore important to reduce the risk factors and although the determination of the disease is due to an oncologist, it is our job as dentists to be the first professional responsible for communicating the state of the lesion and making the corresponding recommendations to our patients.

New study reveals low-calorie soft drinks will make them lose their teeth

A recent study reveals that carbonated low-calorie drinks cause teeth similar to those suffered by methamphetamine or cocaine addicts.

The article, published in the journal General Dentistry, described the case of an American woman who drank two liters of low-calorie soft drinks a day for more than three years, which eroded her teeth and caused her injuries similar to those they affect addicts to some drugs.

The study also involved a 29-year-old meth addict who consumed the drug for three years and a 51-year-old cocaine addict with 18 years of experience. As a result of their harmful addiction, they had to extract all the teeth from both.

Mohamed Bassoon, a professor of restorative dentistry at the School of Dentistry at Temple University in Philadelphia, said, quoted by the Health Day portal, that it is “surprising” that “the intensity of the damage in the three cases is more or less the same.”

According to Bassoon, soft drinks, both normal and low in calories, are very acidic, just like cocaine and methamphetamine. Without proper dental hygiene, the citric and phosphoric acid contained in soft drinks can cause cavities and even more serious damage. The woman also admitted that she had not gone to the dentist for years, so many of her teeth were eroded and had to be removed.

The American Beverage Association, which represents the manufacturers of soft drinks, said in a statement that the study should not be a reason to stop drinking low-calorie soft drinks.

The woman referred to in this article did not receive dental care for more than 20 years, the organization said, adding that it is “irresponsible” to compare the consumption of soft drinks with drugs and consider it the only factor that causes tooth decay and erosion.

No fear of the dentist

It is the third time so far this month that Julia, 41, cancels her appointment with the dentist; and not precisely because he has stopped bothering one of the wisdom teeth. The school performance of his young son, the unforeseen work trip or the flu have not intervened in this either. There are three excuses, although no one asked him, that he hastened to release to wash his conscience.

What Julia has is fear, a lot of fear. It horrifies him, frightens him, and torments him the idea of​sitting on the couch and opening his mouth. It is not a topic. Odontofobia exists. It is endorsed by the World Health Organization itself (WHO), which states that the disorder affects more than 15% of the population. And the worst, the rest feel some type of discomfort, anxiety or fear every time you have to go to this specialist. A visit that, in addition, should be mandatory every six months, as recommended by the American Academy of Dentistry.

Julia has been jumping for years. The simple characteristic smells of the consultation, the waiting lying in the armchair, and the noise of the winch … They put, literally, the nerves. “He is superior to my strength, and once there, I feel panic, I tremble, I sweat,” she says.

What she does not know is that the consultations are taking a Copernican turn. Out unpleasant odors. Now they have DVD to distract themselves, relaxing music, without men and women in white coats and with new techniques that prevent feeling the slightest discomfort.

In the US and some South American countries, so-called ‘spa dental clinics’ proliferate. In them, everything invites relaxation, to scare away fear. Aromatherapy, foot massage while the dentist works with the patient’s teeth and in some cases acupuncture is offered before treatment.

Mike Gown, named best British young dentist in 2008, currently works at the Berkeley Clinic (London). As a member of the Center for Dental Fear and the recently created International Society for the Management of Dental Anxiety (ISDAM), he clarifies to in their majority, fear the needles, the perforation and tooth extraction.

There are many reasons why you hate to go to the dentist, but it is a very personal matter. However, often, those affected follow similar patterns. The most common reason is a previous bad experience, usually in childhood. This contributes to feeling absence of control, discomfort and pain “.

That’s why children are now their best customers. Dentistry is a specialty that has changed a lot in recent years, which is why the youngest have become outstanding patients. Rare is the little one who has gone through an unpleasant situation.

The classic smell of the consultations has been disappearing because many of the products that caused it are no longer used. The anesthesia and the treatments are more effective. It also adds the possibility that patients who have more panic have sedation but are aware.

Oral health and school performance

Dozens of investigations indicate that dental caries is one of the first causes of poor school performance in children.

The Sorrow School of Dentistry, in Poland, recently conducted a study with almost 1,500 children in primary and secondary schools, comparing their academic achievements with those of children free of dental diseases, and found interesting figures. For example: boys with cavities were 4 times more likely to have poor performance on their grades than those with a healthy mouth.

This is logical because tooth decay can cause lack of concentration in class, due to the pain that occurs when eating food during breaks or breakfast. Also, it was observed that these problems were one of the main causes of absence in school.

Dental caries alters the chronology of eruption of the teeth, its correct position in the arch and damages the face of the piece. Thus, crooked and dark teeth result, affecting the child’s smile and physical appearance. This falls directly on their self-esteem and reduces the enthusiasm to attend classes.

Socioeconomic studies report a higher incidence of absenteeism in the classroom and poor school performance in areas of scarce resources, but this should not be a rule: oral health begins at home regardless of social or economic level.

In some countries, the focus is on the oral health of children, where governments organize campaigns to prevent dental diseases directly in schools.

Is a great relationship between dental diseases and school performance, but we cannot rule out the possibility that both come from a different source, such as the lack of time in the education of children by parents. Health and education are learned at home.

Orthodontics for adult’s benefits

In recent years there has been an increase in orthodontic treatments in adults, which can lead to the erroneous belief that orthodontics for adults is a fad. Nothing is further from reality. The reasons that explain the increase of orthodontic treatments, not only in children and adolescents, but also in adults are several:

  • More information about the importance for oral health and general having teeth aligned,
  • Aesthetic reasons,
  • The spectacular aesthetic and comfort advances experienced by orthodontic systems.

The comfort, aesthetics and effectiveness of orthodontic treatments for adults are three of the factors that most often concern patients.

Orthodontics has no age. Orthodontics is also for Orthodontics for adults

The strong impulse that the field of dentistry has received in recent times in terms of research and development, both in terms of improving techniques and quality materials, has also been reflected in orthodontics. This has resulted in patients being able to undergo totally aesthetic orthodontic treatments, such as transparent orthodontics with Envisaging, or aesthetic orthodontics Incognito, and comfortable. And all this with the same effectiveness as traditional orthodontic treatments with braces.

Orthodontic treatments have no age among other reasons because they are not effective only during adolescence. Orthodontics is effective at any age.

All this has a positive effect on patient satisfaction. Thus, according to data provided by the American Association of Orthodontics, 92 percent of patients who undergo orthodontic treatment ensures that they would recommend orthodontics to other adults. Orthodontics for adults provides important benefits both from an aesthetic and functional point of view.

Orthodontics for adults: prevention and treatment

Orthodontics is not only intended to improve or solve problems related to mouth function and oral and general health, but can help prevent problems such as bone loss and / or mandibular joint changes. All this, without forgetting that orthodontics for adults improves the aesthetics of the smile and the facial aesthetics, contributing to look younger and, therefore, to improve the patient’s self-esteem.

Is dental floss a good complement

To maintain good oral hygiene , there are four simple rules to follow and more or less known: brush your teeth at least twice a day, regularly consult a dentist, give preference to a balanced diet and if necessary ask for a prescription personalized to fluorine. But when is it from the use of dental floss?

Its use is recommended after evening brushing to ensure removal of plaque in areas that the toothbrush cannot reach. The less plaque is present, the lower the risk of periodontal disease. This pathology of infectious origin linked to the stagnation of bacteria in dental plaque affects and destroys the supporting tissues of the teeth (gums and bones).

What complement to the toothbrush use?

Like the right way to brush your teeth, you should also teach users how to use this tool: do not move it in a saw movement, but move it up and down between the teeth. This is important because improper use can damage the gums and teeth and can even dislodge bad bacteria that will invade the bloodstream and cause dangerous infections.

In this regard, the Association Denature Françoise states that “brushing can be supplemented by the use of dental floss, which eliminates the plaque and interdental food residues “, but it also evokes the possibility of use brushes. The UFSBD recommends for its daily use of silk thread “as soon as two teeth touch”.

For patients who have difficulty using it, she recommends using ” a mouthwash “. But regardless of the country, the unanimous recommendation remains brushing teeth at least twice a day for two minutes.

Tips for children’s teeth (brushing teeth)

When to start brushing?

From the eruption of the first teeth or even before: a simple cleaning of the mouth with a wet compress before the eruption of the first teeth, eliminates bacteria.

How to teach brushing?

The child learns a lot by imitation: the ideal is therefore to offer him to brush his teeth as a family, so that he wants to “do like the grown-ups” and ritually; just as he learns to wash every day, he will learn to brush his teeth after meals. This can start as a game, before becoming a regular habit: the parent brushes the child’s teeth and the child brushes those of his parent. But beware of everyone’s toothbrush!

When to brush your teeth?

The brushing should be done regularly, every night, at the very small and then twice a day from two years (morning and evening) before going to 3 times for the older ones. Brushing is done after meals and should not be followed by food intake (solid or liquid) or medication.

Who brushes?

Brushing must be done by one of the parents in the toddler and progressively, the child will learn but it is up to parents to hold the neck until 7-8 years.

With what?

Take a suitable material: brush with synthetic and flexible strands, with a small head not exceeding the diameter of a piece of 10 cents

Toothpaste? In general, no toothpaste or a small trace before 2 years with a weakly concentrated toothpaste (250 ppm). From the age of 6, the recommended toothpaste contains 1000 to 1500 ppm.

How to brush?

It is necessary to settle comfortably: on the changing mat, then the child standing or sitting, the head of the child well in support against the person who brushes. The parent opens the child’s mouth, first brushes it down, easier with back and forth movements, the toothbrush the dental arches, modifying the orientation of the brush to pass the side tongue and side plays.

It is recommended to do twenty times the movements before changing the semi-arch and move to the upper arch. The child is asked to spit excess toothpaste as soon as he knows how to do it.